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Запрос 632i

Отправитель Oswaldo Ordaz
E-mail arsaordaz@yahoo.com.mx
Data 21.11.2005
Текст запроса URL: http://conductoresarsa.net/
Commentario: my company makes wire and cables in the city of mexico, the copper wire stretches up to 36 awg. Standares to fulfill type ETP obtained from catodo of electrolitic copper with a purity according to ASTM b 115- 95 is in agreement with ASTM b 49 - 98 for electrolitico copper degree 1. the conductivity min. is of 100 % IACS. It interests in wire 14 AWG to me 40 tons and in diameter of 8 milimeters 20 tons in packing of 2,5 it answers east message to be able to send greater information (sheet technic of the wire that at the moment use).
City: mexico city
Country: mexico
Name: oswaldo ordaz
Company: conductores arsa